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Announced earlier today, Metaverse, a decentralized public blockchain protocol, has announced a 47.5% fee on all Metaverse tokens created or owned within the Metaverse ecosystem.

Less than a month after the platform integrated the Ethereum-based NFT standard ERC-721 – allowing users to mint and trade non-fungible tokens (NFTs) over the Metaverse blockchain.

The news sparked backlash from users of Metaverse and its partner platforms who argue that such high fees would make it difficult to generate real liquidity in the marketplace and would put unnecessary financial burden on creators of digital art or other items minted on the platform. Furthermore, many on NTF Twitter are concerned about how this will affect user adoption, given that those already possessing ETH ERC-721 tokens must now pay this large initial fee to claim them in Metaverse.

However, due to no direct approach from the team at last update and no comment made yet, speculation remains around the purpose of this unexpected update.

Background of Metaverse

Meta is a digital world where anyone can customize their avatars, create digital assets, and engage in social activities. It’s a first-of-its-kind blockchain gaming platform, powered by the metaverse smart token (MST). Recently, however, Meta implemented an unexpected fee structure, causing an uproar among NFT traders on Twitter.

To understand the basis of the controversy, it is important to look into the background of Meta and what the new fee structure entails.

Overview of Metaverse

Metaverse is an open-sourced public blockchain project focusing on digital assets, identity, and smart contracts. It was first proposed in 2016 by the Shanghai company View Fin to create a public blockchain that can be used to manage digital assets and smart contracts. The project focuses on technical innovation and community development to provide users with a secure, private, easy-to-use platform to administrate their digital assets.

The Metaverse platform contains three significant components: Digital Assets, Digital Identity and Smart Contracts. Digital Assets are representations of real or virtual items stored on the Metaverse blockchain as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). These tokens can be used to store any asset such as cryptocurrencies, points from loyalty programs or other rights such as copyright or ownership claims. Digital Identity is an important component that allows users to create their own identities or avatars that can be used for various activities within Metaverse; for example, for authentication when sending/receiving funds or linking an identification document to a self-created identity. Finally, Smart Contracts enable decentralized execution allowing users to easily create automatic and trustless transactions without needing third parties such as banks or brokers. All these components allow Metaverse to provide a safe and secure platform for asset transfers where all transactions are immutable across the whole network.

Recent Changes to Metaverse

Metaverse, a leading global public blockchain, recently initiated a 47.5% fee on all Metaverse items as part of its Smart Property Project. This change by Metaverse has set off waves in the Non-Fungible Token (NFT) market, with a vitrioic reaction on NFT Twitter. This fee aims to create a more transparent and secure environment for Metaverse items while providing further incentives and support to investors.

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Metaverse launched their Smart Property project back in 2018 which enabled users to use the ETP asset to collateralize their smart property assets according to a ratio set by Metaverse token holders via voting mechanisms. The fee will be imposed when transfering smart property associated with any type of currency currently supported by Metaverse’s blockchain platform: ETP(Metaverse Token), bitcoin (BTC) and litecoin (LTC).

This new move from Metaverse comes as part of their larger development plan for NFTs within the blockchain space—pushing the cutting edge of digital ownership, transferring physical assets onto the digital ledger without incurring losses each time it is traded or used for commercial applications. Enacting fees like this keeps people honest when buying valuable non fungible tokens. In addition, it ensures owners benefit appropriately when transferring or trading items associated with a particular cryptocurrency or asset tokenized on an open source ledger such as Ethereum or NeoSmart Contract-capable blockchains like MetaVerse’s original protocol.

Reaction to the Fee Increase

The announcement of Meta’s new 47.5% fee on certain items has sparked backlash in the crypto and NFT community. Many people have used social media to express their anger and frustration towards the fee increase. Some crypto twitter influencers are even accusing the Meta team of not understanding the implications of their move.

In this article we will explore the reactions to the fee increase and why people are so upset.

Overview of the Fee Increase

Recently, Meta announced introducing a 47.5% fee increase for transactions involving all Metaverse items such as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). This new fee is significantly larger than their previous 5% fee, and comes in response to the increasing demand for NFTs on the platform.

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The reaction to the significant fee increase by users in the NFT community has been outrage and disappointment, with many users expressing their displeasure on social media platforms like Twitter. Many argued that this move would create an unfavourable environment for creators to sell their products via Meta’s ecosystem and make it difficult for new businesses and individuals to build successful ventures on the platform. Others feel that while appreciating Meta’s need to monetize their services, this price hike is still too drastic.

The general sentiment amongst users has been discontent, with several prominent figures in the crypto community expressing their views on Twitter. While some took a more lenient approach by suggesting user-friendly machines which could mitigate some of these costs, others have requested an alternative non-Metaverse platform as an entirely more viable solution.

Twitter Reactions to the Fee Increase

Social media erupted with criticism following the announcement by decentralized non-fungible tokens (NFTs) platform Metaverse on April 13 that it is introducing a 47.5 percent fee on items purchased and sold in its virtual world.

Twitter has been abuzz with retaliation and anger towards Metaverse, resulting in an unprecedented volume of hostile NFT-related posts about the platform over the last twenty-four hours. In addition, numerous critics have warned those within the industry to stay away from the platform, citing its decision to implement such a high percentage fee on platform transactions.

However, some within the community speculate that this fee could be necessary to fund improvements for Metaverse as it looks to align itself with more mainstream markets and compete against other larger platforms. On the other hand, others insist that these fees must not be too high if Metaverse wants to remain competitive within crypto space.

Either way, Twitter users are making their voices heard loud and clear as they continue to criticize Metaverse’s excessive fee structure, which puts many small businesses at risk of being squeezed out. In contrast, large businesses return large profits on their investments.

Implications of the Fee Increase

Meta recently announced a 47.5% fee increase in buying, selling, and trading Metaverse items. This has caused an uproar on social media with many NFT investors and artists speaking out against it.

In this article, we’ll discuss the implications of this fee increase and how it could affect the NFT space.

Impact on the Metaverse Economy

The recent decision of Meta, the social metamarket, to increase its fees for buying and selling items for the metaverse from 2.5 percent to 47.5 percent has caused quite a stir in the NFT community. This significant price hike could allow Meta to gain even more market share and control in the NFT space, which could bring much-needed liquidity or harm the NFT economy.

The fee increase is likely to directly impact both sellers and buyers of virtual items across all platforms, as it may make people think twice about investing in certain assets. However, this could also create an opportunity for other metaverse markets, such as Decentraland Marketplace or OpenSea Marketplace—where fees are generally lower—to increase their game and attract more users than ever.

Furthermore, this decision may also have some strategic implications down the line. For example, the new fee structure is less likely to appeal to large-scale investors and traders who prefer more cost-efficient transactions when making larger investments—that could lead them to look elsewhere instead of engaging with Meta services such as their decentralized exchange (DEX)—and that may be beneficial for competitors in the long run.

Ultimately, there’s no way to tell yet how it will impact the metaverse economy given its large degree of uncertainty surrounding it—especially considering that blockchain technology is still maturing—but one thing is certain: for Metaverse developers and investors alike to remain competitive under these new circumstances, they’re going to need rigorous planning and a rock-solid strategy.

Impact on NFTs

The fee increase announced by Meta, the Open NFT Market, has overtaken the non-fungible token (NFT) industry. Meta’s amended policy will see a hefty 47.5% increase on transactional fees for all items listed on its marketplace, which is expected to increase by October 2021. The move is seen as a major setback for the already fledgling market since it could stifle demand for NFTs, leading to less liquidity and price instability. Furthermore, the hike could potentially negate any gains from increased adoption of cryptocurrency and digital assets.

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The most immediate concern is how this fee increase will affect current and future projects using Metaverse’s platform, such as blockchain game developers who create and sell NFTs on the network. The raised cost of production due to the extra transaction fees implies that many developers will think twice before releasing new titles or updates on Ethereum causing some projects to stay away from developing onto Metaverse entirely. Additionally, rising transaction costs could render existing in-game features meaningless if they become too costly to operate through high meta fees.

Given that the NFT market is new and largely unregulated, no one knows what the long-term implications of this major price hike may have on industry wide trends. Still, there seems to be an atmosphere of uncertainty surrounding future prospects of decentralized markets with concerns about user adoption and pricing upheaval dominating online conversations about this issue.


Overall, Metaverse’s 47.5% fee on Metaverse items has caused quite a stir across the NFT community, with many people feeling frustrated and uncertain about their investments. Industry experts caution investors to fully investigate their options before sending funds into new platforms or projects, as miscommunication and confusion surrounding fees can be detrimental in the long run.

It remains to be seen how this will all shake out shortly, but for now it is clear that this situation has resulted in a great deal of confusion and uncertainty.

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