
Gambling and skill-based games are popular for people looking to have fun and relax. However, most people need clarification on games of chance and skill-based games and use the terms interchangeably.

Despite the confusion, skill-based gaming mechanics differ from gambling games. Here is how you can differentiate skill-based games from games of chance.

What are gambling games?

Whether you’re playing at a land-based casino or an online site like Betway, gambling games are based on the element of luck. That means the outcome depends on randomness, although some gambling games require strategic thinking to get favorable results.  

In online sites like Betway casino, gambling games like slot machines use random number generators to ensure the results are random and not based on any recognizable patterns. However, some gambling games like blackjack and poker require the player to build strategies and apply skills, although luck determines the cards you get.

In games like poker, the results depend on your choices and you can leverage different strategies to improve your chances.  Additionally, gambling games have a monetary factor and players need to deposit to start betting.

To know whether a game is considered gambling, three elements must be present. That includes a wager, a reward, and a degree of randomness. If the game doesn’t involve the possibility of winning money and the results aren’t influenced by luck, then it’s not considered gambling.

What is skill-based gaming?

Unlike gambling where luck plays a significant factor in the results, skill-based gaming stands in gaming expertise, strategic thinking, and decision-making. Playing games that involve skills adds more fun to the gaming experience.


With skill-based gaming, knowledge is a valuable tool and players must be acquainted with the rules, understand different strategies, and master their skills. These games allow players to use their skills, experience, creativity, and intelligence to enhance their experience. There might not be any financial compensation, but professional gamers can make money without gambling.

When playing games of skill, player skills like quick reactions, logical thinking, and developing strategies determine the results. That means there are no random outcomes, and the results fully depend on the actions you take. Your ability to use effective strategies, identify patterns, and knowledge of how to attack or defend determines whether you will win or lose.

How to differentiate skill-based games and gambling

Here are three main differences between games of skill and games of chance:

  • In gambling, the results have an element of randomness. That means you cannot influence the outcome with creativity or strategic thinking. On the other hand, the outcomes of skill-based gaming are consequences of your actions.


They require you to hone your skills, use logical thinking, and build strategies that increase your chances of winning.

  • When playing gambling games, bettors can enjoy an immersive experience, and they stand the chance to win or lose their wager. Skill-based gaming also delivers a relaxing experience to players, but you can participate in tournaments and challenges to earn money.
  • Skill-based gaming doesn’t always involve money. However, gambling requires a deposit to start placing bets, meaning you will need an initial investment.

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